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Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

This custom coloring book features a classic character for this set of great Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour. Winnie-the-Pooh has been a children classic for decades. 

The character Winnie was first sited in books written in the late 1920's by A. Milne. Winnie has a lot of great friends, namely Piglet, a small toy pig; Eeyore, a toy donkey; Owl, a live owl; and Rabbit, a live rabbit.

Winnie is an appropriate character for making free colouring colouring pictures for children because the books have been classics for so long.  So we are happy to present these wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour.

Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures Download Utility

Each of the Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures is ready to print-and-color. The process for printing pictures online is simple.  

Enlarge the thumbnail image you wish to print by clicking the mouse cursor on the image.                     If the image is not visible it may be necessary to click on the thumbnail more than one time. 
After selecting the image a new tab or window will open, leaving this tab still open. Save the enlarged image to your computer using a right click 'save as" command. Then print as normal with your own computer. Now that the process to print out pictures is done the Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour may be given to children.

Childhood Education Online and Home Schooling Online

The future in education has arrived. The impact of the Internet now allows parents more options to ensure there young children receive an excellent early childhood education using distance learning and home schooling online to offer many educational options.

The availability of early childhood education materials such as these free Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour is an example.
This happens just in time to rescue parents fed up with public school systems. Unhappy parents find they are unable to afford private education and without the teaching workplace skills or time to be the teacher for home schooling in their own home.
Children given home school programs benefit from having color activity using drawings for kids homeschooling curriculum used as part of a complete educational program. The developmental benefits children derive from color activity is extensive.
This means all types of online schools, schooling online and home school programs should take advantage of the free down loads availability of this custom coloring book and the coloring pages for kids it contains. 

Coloring pictures for kids should be included as a home based work part of their programs. Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour are a good addition to any early childhood development home based learning program.

Custom Coloring Book

These free kids coloring pages each have one of many special kids coloring pictures. Each has been selected from the best coloring pictures for kids possible.  One reason this is a custom coloring book is that you can request additional related topic images or characters be added. Just leave a comment with your suggestion at the bottom of the page in the comments section.
The picture selected is guaranteed to be a match to the theme of this hub page; Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour. These coloring pictures for kids make up the custom coloring book we proudly present.

Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour
Click on any image to enlarge, save to your computer and print out for coloring.


Winnie-the-Pooh Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour
Click on any image to enlarge, save and print

Winnie-the-Pooh YouTube Video

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About This Blog

This blog started out as a private blog. The goal was contact and communication with my children as I traveled. Posting fun coloring pages with great colouring pictures to print and colour gave all of us enjoyment.

Now two of three children have grown and left the nest. Two years ago we made our coloring pages public, mostly on Hubpages. Their unreasonable and questionable restrictions of first amendment rights of their members lead to us leaving Hubpages and using the Blogspot / Blogger system.

We hope you get as much enjoyment out of these free coloring pictures and other childhood education materials as we do providing them.

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