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The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

Elder Scrolls - Skyrim Game Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

This set of colouring pictures-to print-and-colour are about the latest hot game of Skyrim. This is the Skyrim version five of the very popular Elder Scrolls video game series. This version, released for sale on 11/11/11 has sold over 6 million copies in less than a week.

We have already had requests for Skyrim colouring pictures-to print-and-colour and we are proud to be able to provide these first colouring pages and pictures for you. We will add more as is possible. This version of Skyrim is about the efforts of the game player to defeat the Nordic Dragon God, Alduin. Alduin is out to destroy the world, as villains often are.  

The thing that is somewhat different about this game is that it is possible to explore the universe of Skyrim without following the quest for as long as you wish.  This is the same not linear game play that previous Elder Scrolls games has had, but to a larger and more expanded extent.

It is expected that this version of The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim will break all records for sales of video games. However it has a lot of competition from the new Call of Duty video game, also recently released. We trust you will enjoy these first offered Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour.

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About This Blog

This blog started out as a private blog. The goal was contact and communication with my children as I traveled. Posting fun coloring pages with great colouring pictures to print and colour gave all of us enjoyment.

Now two of three children have grown and left the nest. Two years ago we made our coloring pages public, mostly on Hubpages. Their unreasonable and questionable restrictions of first amendment rights of their members lead to us leaving Hubpages and using the Blogspot / Blogger system.

We hope you get as much enjoyment out of these free coloring pictures and other childhood education materials as we do providing them.

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