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Dr Seuss - The Lorax Coloring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

The Lorax Coloring Pages and Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

We are pleased to ad another set of colouring pictures based on one of the loveable, educational characters fro the Dr Suess books. This set of colouring pictures-to print-and-colour are, The Lorax free colouring pictures-to print-and-colour

All are based on the wonderful characters in books by Theodore Geisel, who's pen name was, Dr. Seuss. These wonderful colouring pictures should be part of your child's early childhood education program.

In The Lorax Dr. Seuss was making us aware of the dangers of not taking care of our environment. He was one of the very first people to publicly voice concern about our environment and taking care of the earth. Basically, long before saving the earth became a global concern, Dr. Seuss, speaking through his character the Lorax, warned against mindless progress and the danger it posed to the earth's natural beauty.

Colouring activity is an important part of any child's early childhood education and development. While some may not see the educational benefit in colouring they are sorely incorrect.  Colouring helps develop and maintain good eye to hand coordination. Colouring allows children to develop self confidence and creativity when they are allowed to color and re-color the same picture with different colour schemes.

Colouring pictures, when tied with the same subject parents are reading about to children develops a child's love of learning. This has the resulting fantastic benefit of teaching the joy and importance of books and reading.

Children engaging in colouring activity with other children, especially mixed boy and girl groups, get a head start on development of social skills and working with others. Children should be given multiple copies of any colouring picture and allowed the freedom to do what ever they want with those colouring sheets.

Children should not be forced to stay with in the lines, especially at the beginning. Even if they turn the sheets over and draw their own pictures it's okay. Let them explore, be creative and develop their own sense of art appreciation. Often you will find it an amazing experience just to provide the materials and then stand back and let them do their own thing. Just be there ready to help when they ask for it.

Putting examples of all types of colouring for display after the children are done, not just the perfect examples, allows children to understand that creativity allows for wide variations and mutations of the same presentation. A valuable concept for children to grasp at a young age.

To access these color picture examples just click on the image you wish to use. The color examples can be enlarged and left on screen as a color guide if desired. Or it can be printed out on your own printer in colour.

The drawing that is not colored is meant for you to enlarge, save to your computer and give to your child. Just click on the drawing you want and it will enlarge.

The using steps appropriate for your own computer, usually a right click with the mouse on the drawing, save to your computer and print out for use by your child.  Please let us know how your child enjoyed The Lorax Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour.





Nocturnal Animals Coloring Pages Free Colouring Pictures

Kids Nocturnal Animals Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

These Kids Colouring Pages with pictures-to print-and-colour are about Nocturnal Animals are great for teaching children a wide range of topics.  These type animals have obvious physical adaptations caused by the night time environment they live in. Children can learn the importance of observation as part of the scientific method. Even if they are very young, learning early in life to take time to observe before making decisions is a powerful thing to learn. 

There are at least 100 nocturnal animals discovered so far on Earth. Some of them are already extinct. This is primarily because of the loss of their jungle habitat. There is no telling how many species were lost in destroyed jungles that had not yet been discovered and classified.

Nocturnal animals are much more active at night than during the day. In fact they sleep during  the day, either in tree tops, tree trunks  or a burrow or den in the ground. Some of the nocturnal animals have become that way to avoid extreme daytime heat in the environment they live in.

As mentioned above nocturnal animals have special adaptations that allow them to survive in the dark. Most of them have eyes that are special in some way to give them excellent eye sight in the dark or at times of very low light. Some, like bats, use echolocation to "see" their way in the dark. Those that don't have specially adapted eyes usually have excellent hearing, assisted by longer ears. Some have both big ears and big eyes. 

These childhood education online Nocturnal colouring pictures-to print-and-colour are about six of the most well known nocturnal animals. Some of them live on land and some live in the seas and oceans of our planet Earth.

To Access and Print these Nocturnal Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour please click on the image you want to print. It will enlarge and open in a new window or tab. Then you save to your computer and print out.


Nocturnal Animals Parts 1 and 2



101 Dalmatians Coloring Pages Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

Special Kids Coloring Pages - 101 Dalmatians Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

The movie 101 Dalmatians by Disney Animation Studios was one of the biggest Disney movie successes ever. In fact this movie may have saved the Disney studios in the 1960's. Disney was struggling after a technically successful Sleeping Beauty that just did not do well at the box office. 

The continued popularity of the characters in this movie is why children still love to see 101 Dalmatians Colouring Pages with Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

The story is based in London and has the same feel as the start of the London set for Peter Pan. This was not accidental as Peter Pan had been one of the biggest Disney animated films ever. The basic plot is that a woman kidnaps poppies to kill them for their spotted unusual fur. Various animals and situations gang up against her and take out revenge in a very funny and almost slapstick fashion. 

The story line is about a fashion designer, Anita, and computer game writer Roger meet, get married and their pets, dalmatians Perdita and Pongo also fall in love. The dogs have puppies which are kidnapped by Anita's boss Cruella de Vil. The canine parents set out in London to find and rescue the ninety-nine pups from their captors.

To access the 101 Dalmatians Coloring Pages and Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour just click on any image. The image will enlarge in a new window. Then you can save and print from your own computer.

Castleville Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

Castleville Game Characters Coloring Pages and Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

We are really happy to provide the first set of coloring pages and colouring pictures-to print-and-colour of Castleville on the Internet. This is Thanksgiving week in November 2011.  Facebook has announced that the new MMO game from Zygna, Castleville, has broken all records for start up games on Facebook. Just in case you have not heard about this new game here is some information.  Click on any image to enlarge, save and print.

CastleVille is a Facebook MMO game where you set foot on a medieval wonderland, assume the role of a chivalrous knight, and fight against hordes of invasive beasts outside your castle. Developed by Zynga behind a series of famous titles like FarmVille,  FrontierVille and Adventure World,  the game is an impressive MMO with its emphasis on social features.

Castleville Character Bios 

Tom the Retired Knight and Dragon Slayer

Tom was the mightiest knight in the realm. Known for his bravery and strength, Tom was responsible for peacefully resolving the Great Dragon Migration of ’32. 


Tom also put an end to “Goblin Week”, though some of those stains still won’t come out.  No matter the problem, Tom was the Knight-On-Demand. He’d rush into the fray with his customary battle cry, “For honor! For glory! For cupcakes!”

George the Friendly Viking Miner
George is a former viking who originally comes from a rough village of warriors in the far north seas. He was raised as a warrior and after years of fighting and eating almost nothing but meat. 

George grew to be one of the strongest men in his village. While plundering a nearby Kingdom, George was separated from the other vikings when a cloud of Gloom settled over the land.

Giselle Lovely Maiden and Animal Lover

Giselle is the youngest of three sisters. She was separated from her family. Left alone in the woods, Giselle was adopted by a brawny woodsman and a beautiful siren. The couple raised Giselle as their own daughter. 

Giselle Lovely Maiden
Giselle picked up her musical abilities and love of woodland animals from her adoptive mother and father, respectively. Giselle's voice is so immaculate, so perfect, that all forms of animal life flock to hear her song (for better or worse). Each animal brings gifts to show their affection for the lovely maiden.

Raphael the Rugged Woodsman
Rafael was orphaned as a child when a Beastie horde attacked his village.  Always up for adventure, Rafael is an accomplished woodsman. He is a master with the axe. His life is devoted to saving others from The Dark One, or as Rafael calls him, Senor Shadow. Although he approaches his mission with a solemn reverence, Rafael still manages to look mighty fine while he saves the ladies.

Sonya the Gold Digging Pirate
Sonja is a sexy, cutlass-wielding pirate with a thirst for grog and a penchant for pilfering other people's booty. As captain of the Santa Lucia, she sailed the seas with her crew, finding fortune and adventure in every port.

To access the coloring pages and colouring pictures-to print-and-colour just click on any image. That image will enlarge in a new tab or window.
Then save the image to your own computer, print and colour.

YouTube Castleville Video


The Elder Scrolls - Skyrim Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

Elder Scrolls - Skyrim Game Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour

This set of colouring pictures-to print-and-colour are about the latest hot game of Skyrim. This is the Skyrim version five of the very popular Elder Scrolls video game series. This version, released for sale on 11/11/11 has sold over 6 million copies in less than a week.

We have already had requests for Skyrim colouring pictures-to print-and-colour and we are proud to be able to provide these first colouring pages and pictures for you. We will add more as is possible. This version of Skyrim is about the efforts of the game player to defeat the Nordic Dragon God, Alduin. Alduin is out to destroy the world, as villains often are.  

The thing that is somewhat different about this game is that it is possible to explore the universe of Skyrim without following the quest for as long as you wish.  This is the same not linear game play that previous Elder Scrolls games has had, but to a larger and more expanded extent.

It is expected that this version of The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim will break all records for sales of video games. However it has a lot of competition from the new Call of Duty video game, also recently released. We trust you will enjoy these first offered Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim Colouring Pictures-to Print-and-Colour.


Wall-E Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour Online

Wall-E Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour

These Wall-E Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour Online for kids are used here to format and assemble a custom coloring book for children to print and color. Wall-e is a heart warming story that children really love. Having coloring pictures to work with just increases the enjoyment and helps introduce many types of educational topics.
A custom coloring book is great to take when traveling with kids and children's coloring pages are an important part of early childhood development. Coloring pages to print and color develop and maintain coordination skills, involve children in the use of a computer and printer and allow the easy introduction of new topics and subjects to children.
We know your kids will love Wall-E Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour Online. There is a link below with instructions on how to access and print the coloring pictures.

Wall-e Kids Colouring Pictures Download Utility

Each of these Wall-e Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour Online is ready to print and color, making the process for printing pictures online simple.
A visitor may proceed direct to the Hubpages download utility by clicking the cursor on the image they wish to print. If the image is not visible it may be necessary to click on the thumbnail it may be necessary to click on the thumbnail more than once.
After selecting each of the images to download, in turn each image is saved to the visitor's own computer. This is done by performing a right click which will allow a range of options, including the ability to save the picture to the downloading computer. Each image may now be printed as usual.
Now that the process to print out pictures is done the Wall-e Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour Online may be given to children for coloring.

Childhood Education - Custom Coloring Book

These Wall-e Kids Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Color Online have special drawings use in the preparation and production of colouring pictures and our various electronic coloring books. Each has been selected from the best coloring pictures for kids possible. Together these coloring pictures for kids make up the custom coloring book we are proud to present.
One reason this is a custom coloring book is that you can request additional related topic images or characters be added. To do this, just leave a comment with your suggestion at the bottom of the page in the comments section. The picture selected is guaranteed to be a match to the theme of this hub page; Wall-E Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour.

Childhood Education - Home Schooling Programs
The wave of the future has arrived and the future in education is now. The impact of the Internet now allows online schools, schooling online from distance learning and homeschooling online to offer many early education online options. 
This happens just in time to rescue parents fed up with public school systems. Many unhappy parents find they are unable to afford private education and without the teaching workplace skills or time to be the teacher for home schooling in their own home.
Children given home school programs benefit from having color activity using drawings for kids homeschooling curriculum used as part of a . The developmental benefits children derive from color activity is extensive. All  online schools, schooling online and home school programs should take advantage of the free down loads. Coloring pictures for kids should be included as an additional and home based work part of their programs. Our Wall-E Colouring Pictures to Print-and-Colour work 

About This Blog

This blog started out as a private blog. The goal was contact and communication with my children as I traveled. Posting fun coloring pages with great colouring pictures to print and colour gave all of us enjoyment.

Now two of three children have grown and left the nest. Two years ago we made our coloring pages public, mostly on Hubpages. Their unreasonable and questionable restrictions of first amendment rights of their members lead to us leaving Hubpages and using the Blogspot / Blogger system.

We hope you get as much enjoyment out of these free coloring pictures and other childhood education materials as we do providing them.

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